The creation and development of La Fuerza del Buzo arose from community needs identified through research in northern Patagonia, as well as literature on fishing communities worldwide. If you are interested in the research we draw upon to develop and conduct our programs, please see a short list of citations and resources below. This list will be continually updated.
For Nicaragua’s Lobstermen, Deadly Dives Are All Too Common (New York Times):®i_id=112152106&segment_id=50154&te=1&user_id=4c419d20e196cba1f4f90e6b94738f27
Anbleyth-Evans, J., Leiva, F. A., Rios, F. T., Cortés, R. S., Häussermann, V., & Aguirre-Munoz, C. (2020). Toward marine democracy in Chile: Examining aquaculture ecological impacts through common property local ecological knowledge. Marine Policy, 113, 103690.
Cinner, J. E., Adger, W. N., Allison, E. H., Barnes, M. L., Brown, K., Cohen, P. J., ... & Morrison, T. H. (2018). Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities. Nature Climate Change, 8(2), 117-123.
Daughters, A. (2019). Memories of Earth and Sea: An Ethnographic History of the Islands of Chiloé. University of Arizona Press.
Daughters, A., & Pitchon, A. (Eds.). (2018). Chiloé: The Ethnobiology of an Island Culture. Springer.
Ebel, S.A. (2020). Moving beyond co-management: Opportunities and limitations for enabling transitions to polycentric governance in Chile's Territorial User Rights in Fisheries policy. International Journal of the Commons, 14(1), 278–295.
Ebel, S.A., Torre, M.P., Beitl, C.M. (2020). Values underlying preferences for adaptive governance in a Chilean small-scale fishing community. Environmental Values Fast Track. DOI 10.3197/096327120X15973379803717.
Ebel, S.A. (2018). Livelihood Diversification as a Form of Resilience? An Ethnographic Account of Artisanal Fishers in Chile's Lakes Region. In Chiloe: The Ethnobiology of an Island Culture (eds. Anton Daughters and Ana Pitchon), Ethnobiology Series, Springer-Nature Life Science.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Gelcich, S., Peralta, L., Donlan, C. J., Godoy, N., Ortiz, V., Tapia-Lewin, S., ... & Godoy, F. (2015). Alternative strategies for scaling up marine coastal biodiversity conservation in Chile. Maritime Studies, 14(1), 5.